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Nordlandssykehuset HF

Postboks 1480

N 8092 Bodø


Nordland Hospital Trust

Care Services​

Nordland Hospital's psyhiatric services are organised on a local and county level. The county services include acute admission wards, general psychiatric wards, rehabilitation wards and psychogeriatric services. A total number of beds of xx.


There are 3 community Centers providing local hospital services to clearly defined catchment areas.  Services  comprise of an general psychiatric wards,  outpatient clinics and teams for early intervention, substance abuse and assertive outreach.

​User Organisations


Training Resources

Nordland Hospital has a training department which provides both training, courses and conferances for both the hospital's staff and agencies outside the hospital.


The hospital trains both psychiatrists and psychologists. In addition student nurses and social workers have their practice placement at the hosital.


Finally the hospital has it's own research department both in medicine and psychiatry.

Current Research Projects
  • ”Acute mental health services in the Barents region. A comparison of inpatient services in  North West Russia and Northern Norway”

  • “Duration of untreated psychosis and pathways to care with first- and multiple episodes in Nordland – a study of the components of DUP in a rural mental health system”

  • “Depression and culture; a qualitative study of illness narratives among Sami and Norwegian depressed patients”

  • “Outpatient clinics treating substance use disorders in Archangelsk and Northern Norway: Characteristics psychiatric comorbidity and screening for it”

  • “The VELO-II study. A comparison of two differently organized service system. A community perspective”

  • “Autism. A national multicentre study” (Even Myrbakk holder på med denne, jeg kjenner dårlig til hva de egentlig studerer, men dersom jeg uttrykker meg for upresist kan du spørre han*.

  • ”Individual placement and support. How to include psychiatric patients in ordinary work” (Beate Brinchman planlegger enstørre studie og allerede et knippe av nasjonale og internasjonale kontakter”*



Contact Information



Nordland Hospital delivers both general medicial and psychiatric services at local and county level. The hospital is situated at several different sites within the county of Nordland.

+47 75 50 10 00

+47 75 50 10 00

+47 75 50 10 00

Contact person

Ian Dawson

Coordinator of services

+47 75 50 16 18

Last updated: 11.12.2017

© 2024 ENTER Mental Health

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