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GHU Paris


The Paris University Hospital Group for Psychiatry & Neurosciences (GHU-Paris in French) is not just another psychiatric hospital. A network of community psychiatric services, the GHU covers a major part of the city of Paris, an inner-city area with high levels of unemployment, exclusion, immigration, drug use, HIV/AIDS and poverty. Fifty different inpatient and outpatient facilities provide mental health care to a target population of some 700,000 people.


GHU-Paris is a recent creation. On the first of January 2019, Maison Blanche, Perray-Vaucluse and Sainte-Anne Hospitals all merged into the Paris University Hospital Group for Psychiatry & Neurosciences. The three hospitals had been working closely together over the past years, defining a common medical strategy, designing a territorial care framework and establishing a joint leadership. With nine university departments and a whole series of innovative research units, GHU Paris fosters clinical practice, training and research which constitute the basis for developing new strategies in mental health care, promotion and prevention.


GHU Paris:

  • 74 420 patients treated last year: 1 Parisian out of 40

  • 130 structures spread over 70 different community locations

  • An alliance between psychiatry and neurosciences enabling a both historical and innovative bridge between mental disorders and nervous system pathologies;

  • And at the same time, high level clinical and social sciences research in the area of mental health

User Partner Organisations

User partner organisations include the National Federation of Associations of Users and Ex-Users of Psychiatry (FNAP-PSY) and the National Union of Friends and Family of People with Mental Health Problems (UNAFAM)

​Training Resources

A Further Education Centre for specific staff skills training, a major nursing school, library and conference facilities and a specific experimental research unit, FER, working on developing new training methods, are just some of the services available to both the personnel and the community. In addition, our open partnership policy has led to a large number of joint projects not only on local but also on international levels, with research, development and hospital co-operation programmes in a growing number of countries.

Contact Information


Laboratoire de recherche

258 rue Marcadet

75018 Paris


+33 1 53 38 21 17

+33 1 53 38 21 10

Contact person

Emmanuelle Jouet


+33 1 53 38 21 17

Last updated: 10.11.2019

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